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Focused on Helping you to Succeed Online
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Exstremly responsive and serious provider. He made the website exactly as we wanted. He listens, advises and offers useful solutions. He has a 360 degree view and thinks outside the box. The execution was very rational-where possible, he proposed a cheaper alternative and mainteined quality and function.
Catalog of website and e-commerce store design
We pride ourselves on creating pixel-perfect websites that deliver results.
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Inovativnost igra vse pomembnejšo vlogo pri razvoju storitev.Z ekipo Agit skupaj sodelujemo na različnih projektih že več kot eno leto, ker njihov pristop doprinese res dobre in merljive rezultate.Vsaka storitev namreč potrebuje ne samo izredno dodelane vizualne rešitve, temveč tudi inovativen pristop k marketingu, ki te loči od konkurence, ter poskrbi, da si viden.S strokovnim pristopom ekipa Agit poskrbi, da je vsaka začetna ideja realizirana, ter izpeljana do te točke, da rezultati presežejo vsa začetna pričakovanja!
Marinka Krel
UX/UI Designer
Agit.si has been with me many years. They know every aspect of coding and I trust them fully with the life of my sites and they are such an asset to my team, I am building my company around them. If you need info on programming Agit.si is your team!
Colin Klinkert
CEO SERPed.net, Convertful.com, Platformly.com
Agit.si is my go-to company when it comes to web development and software engineering. I have hired them many times, for different projects, and I have never been disappointed. They are very competent in their fields. Highly recommended!
Julien duc
CEO julienduc.com
Izdelavo naše spletne strani smo zaupali ekipi Agit.si, ki nas je prepričala s svojo kreativnostjo. Sodobno urejena spletna stran je zaživela v trenutku, ko se je porodila ideja. Za izvedbo se močno zahvaljujemo in vsekakor priporočamo sodelovanje vsakemu posamezniku ali podjetju!
Dragan Sadžak
Direktor Juventud d.o.o.
Želeli smo si uporabno, predvsem pa učinkovito spletno stran, ki bi nam prinesla dovolj članov in razširila naše poslanstvo na čim širsi krog našega ciljnega občinstva. Podjetje Agit.si, kateremu smo zaupali to zahtevno nalogo v vse bolj konkurenčnem okolju, je to delo opravilo več kot odlično. V vsem so presegli naša pričakovanja, pozitivni rezultati njihovega dela, pa se nam kažejo še leta po izvedbi. Iskrena hvala celotni ekipi in samo še tako naprej.
Tomaž Damjan Uršič
KMG Inštruktor
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Free Consultation!
Every project is different and we need an understanding of what you are looking to get designed and developed in order to quote you as accurately as possible.
There are many types and ways to build a website, each with different pros/cons and price points.
Knowing a bit about your project specification and goals allows us to make recommendations on how to help you get the most for your money, while still meeting those project goals.
What will you get after submitting an inquiry?
- A friendly reply from our consultant.
- The offer and the approximate cost of the project.
- If desired, a personal meeting (at your place or at our place).